Fishing is my hobby

I love fishing. I enjoy it whether or not I catch fish. A good catch makes the fishing trip more than just a visit - it makes it a successful fishing trip. I prefer to catch fish. A memorable fishing adventure begins with a good plan.

What makes a fishing trip successful? For starters you need to gear up. You need to:
  • know the right spot to fish
  • have the right vehicles to get to the right spot
  • use the right bait to attract the right fish to take the hook
  • know how to set the hook, and
  • how to play and land the fish.
Do all these things properly, and you will have a great fishing trip.

Plan ;
A successful fishing trip begins long before the first cast. Being at the right place at the right time might look fortuitous to the onlooker, but it's usually the result of research and planning. Someone has taken the time to learn about the fish; habits, patterns, likes and dislikes. It is also critical to know the waterway and have a roadmap to guide you to the spot. You also want to understand weather patterns and have backup plans to deal safely with accidents or disasters.

Preparation ;
In getting equipped for a great fishing trip, you will want to prepare for all possible situations. You will need survival gear, fishing equipment and the suitable vehicles to get to the right location. Then there's the fishing gear - rod and reel, the tackle box, line, lures, weights. If you're camping you will have a whole other range of concerns and equipment to attend to.

Competition ;
You will need to be aware of the other fishermen vying for the same fish as you are. Too many competitors will deplete the supply of fish and you might find yourself working much harder than you want.

Location ;
Success is only possible in fishing by choosing the right location. Ideally you want to place yourself on a river where the current compels the fish to swim within a few feet of you.

Play ;
Once a fish bites you need to set the hook and reel 'em in. If you blow this part of the process, the fish gets away and isn't likely to take your bait again for a long time. Depending on the type of fish and your skill set, you might have to play a few fish before actually landing one.

You can play the fish and bring it to the water's edge, Many great fish are lost at the point of landing. Part of the trick to a successful landing is to remain calm so as not to spook the fish.

safe and enjoy adventure in fishing !!!

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It's my pic...... I was born at 1st october 1977 in Banjarmasin, South Borneo - Indonesia. ;-)
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